The Guest by B. A. Paris

 The  house is still there. It did not burn down while they were on vacation. There is a surprise waiting. A close friend has made herself at home in their house. Laure did not come alone. She brought her troubles along.  Iris will hear about the struggle for at least three weeks. The question is what should Laure do in such circumstances?  What is the next step?  I hope there is a hop, jump, skip to a right or wrong solution. Someone must move forward. Some trials and tribulations cause us to become turtles and not hares. Perhaps, that is the better way  for Pierre and Laure. Gabriel will try to help Pierre who does not wish to make a hasty move either. Just speaking words has become complicated to Pierre.

It is back to the drawing board for Iris and a renewed love for gardening on Gabriel's part.Something will spin out of control and cause a vortex. When love hurts we bleed and we procrastinate. B. A. Paris's timing is perfect. If only life were so symmetrical. If I think of Gabriel's walled garden, I relax. Then, I will listen to Laure one more time or twenty more times tell what happened.


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