
Death At St Jude's by Mary Grand

 There is no gore here. It's a quiet mystery. Still, in the quietness I get a creepy feeling. The main character, Susan, is very likable. She doesn't say much, but you know she's all over what is happening  involving the mystery. The church is very busy with congregants coming and going to choir practice and other activities. Kept for the church are a bunch of very old keys. These keys are still used for different keyholes. One key is very creative. It fits the side door. No one has used that key in years. The keys have remained on my mind.  I'm thinking how quaint to have a collection of keys. I believe the keys will play a part in the mystery's solution. On that one key there is a Celtic wreath. Lawrence, a busy, church member and officer of the church is a very different type of person. He likes to talk about what he likes and doesn't like. I suppose he is interesting because we share the same fear. I have a fear of heights. He also is fascinated with bats. H

The Secrets Of Cresswell Hall by Alecandra Walsh

Cresswell Hall looks like a very large palace. On the outside are gargoyles and grotesques. There is a story behind each one's name. Alexandra Walsh gives a good bit of history about the Gunpowder Plot and so on. Your dislike of History won't hinder you from reading the book. It's like reading a soap opera. For now I am not interested in History. I think about the furniture. It must have been very sturdy. No need for a woman to look for a dining room table or a bed for years.The book inspires me to read another one like this one. What was their life really like?

The Last Days Of You And Me by Debbie Howells

 The woman breaks glass and does everything else to destroy the room. She just might need a lawyer. Following her closely, I am trying to see why she chose such behavior. After all, she is sophisticated and all the rest. If you know why she allowed herself to act out in such a way, let me know. I need to whisper my bibliophile ignorance. I suppose it is all about the high price of books. The damage is at least ten thousand or so. If not paid, there is always a trip to court. I think all of them are simply bored. The light is not coming in any more. The light has found a ragged hole. If I had to side with someone, I would side with the book store ower. She has quite a bit of sense from which I would borrow some for myself. The book world has snapped, gone completely crazy. The book is grand. Yes, I said it.

Summers At The Saint by Mary Kay Andrews

 The huge pink hotel and resort is the place to choose for the summer.  Everybody all over town knows The Saint. There is where the rich and those who will follow them in the future are found during the summer. Many buildings are being renovated. Others are being built. Then, there are the new hires. One of the higher ups' sons has been kicked out of school. His dad makes him stay at home and work at The Saint. His housing is the dorm. No one rich stays there. The Saint is the "hit" place. Stay there, go there or be square. The Verandah is the place to eat lunch. It's all about competing with your neighbor. You won't believe what one lady sees in the pool. It almost made me feel sick on the stomach. KJ  is going to get in trouble all over again. He's an innocent turning bad. His father warned him and his mother tried to talk to him too. He has been told what it takes to become a success. He shouldn't follow just anyone who comes along. If he does, in later

Driven To Murder by Debbie Young

 Who would dare stop the Wendlebury Barrow buses? It would not help the community to stop the Highwayman buses. The Highwayman Buses had been late quite a few time..What stories are told! You can not help but laugh. One man tried to get on the bus with a canoe. The canoe was definitely the wrong size or the man did not know how to board the bus with one. Of course, all of these stories are taken seriously. Well, I am on the side of the ones who want the bus not to stop. Shucks, they riders can't survive without it. Thank you to Boldwood books.

The Girls From Sandy Cove by Stan O'Gorman

It It looks like the most innermost secrets are going to empty out of the mouths of these friends. I don't knw how their friendship will survive. I wonder is it impossible for marriages to last. It's about life,the ups and downs. Enjoy it! Really, I couldn't grow close to the characters. Who shall we fault?

The Accident by L.H. Stacey

Kate Duggan is a private detective. She is aware of the fact that there are bundles and bundles of drugs hitting the streets. Already, she is working her first case at this company. Reading about how private investigators know how to hide visibly is riveting.  It's a mystery you won't throw down. The characters face challenging circumstances. Once you learn Ben's challenge you can't help but want to hug him. Then, there is Isabel and her family. Oh my, my my. Life sure can throw curves. Then, there is the accident. L.H. Stacey will tell you more about it in her writing. The telling about exactly what happened during the whole accident is slowly told. It takes so long I almost forgot the plot. I couldn't read forward. Finally, I gave up on this book. If I will try this author again is a question, I can't answer at this time.