Death At St Jude's by Mary Grand

 There is no gore here. It's a quiet mystery. Still, in the quietness I get a creepy feeling. The main character, Susan, is very likable. She doesn't say much, but you know she's all over what is happening  involving the mystery. The church is very busy with congregants coming and going to choir practice and other activities. Kept for the church are a bunch of very old keys. These keys are still used for different keyholes. One key is very creative. It fits the side door. No one has used that key in years. The keys have remained on my mind.  I'm thinking how quaint to have a collection of keys. I believe the keys will play a part in the mystery's solution. On that one key there is a Celtic wreath. Lawrence, a busy, church member and officer of the church is a very different type of person. He likes to talk about what he likes and doesn't like. I suppose he is interesting because we share the same fear. I have a fear of heights. He also is fascinated with bats. He's so excited about life. It's not often you find out so much information about a person on the first visit. Susan seems very relaxed. So, maybe it's easy to share in a conversation with her. If you like Ecclesiastical Mysteries, I think you will like this one.


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