The Memory of Lavender and Sage by Aimie K. Runyan

 At some point in life, we become hypnotized by our memories. They become more important than our present life. Then, we want to find the places and people lost to us. Before they die, and we have nothing. Our main character is a daughter and a Food critic. She has become very interested in her mother's life. All the days she lived is like a closed mystery. She, the daughter, is the only one left to open the book of secrets. The decision is made to move from New York to France. Sainte Colombe is the location she longs to explore. It is fascinating to read about this woman's solo journey. She finds out it is not easy to make friends in this village. All who should live there are already there. No room for strangers. I have found the stray kitten's name, Astre, easier to remember than the lady who is on a journey to discover her ancestor. Oh, Luddington! Perhaps, you are familiar with families with that name.


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