Murder in a Country Village by F.L. Everett

 It is Valentine's Day. Edie watches Ethel open a card that comes with bunches of lilies. Surprise, the card does not give a name. Manchester, England looks worse for wear after the Christmas blitz. I am more than interested in who sent the lilies. I hope he is not a crazy. Maybe it is a guy with a sweet heart. Then, we are on the way to romance.  Of course, all of these thoughts are just pie in the sky. One thing for sure is there is no way to ignore the lilies. There is a message here. Maybe a not so good message. This one is a delight to read: The War, artistic characters and Edie, the main character, seems so humble. She does not seem to have an angry bone in her body. She just wants to help. All the while holding on to her job as a writer of obituaries at the Chronicle.


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