Sieve and Let Die by Virginia Hamilton

 I never thought about it. All of my walking life has been spent visiting a pharmacy. The pharmacy is like an old and necessary friend. There whenever my family and friends needed one. That is why I had to read this cozy. I can still see the book stand, the ice cream and smell the medicines in the store. In Victoria Hamilton's Sieve and Let Die, there is the beloved pharmacy. Only this time one of the customers might have a motive for committing a crime. My mother had a sieve and she put it to use constantly. Especially when baking cake and wanting finer flour.I have baked from scratch: pies, cakes and biscuits. I am ashamed to write it. I used a modern, flat sieve one time and never used one again. I have already collected cooking trivia. There are sieves named chinois and zaru. The definition of those is found in the  cozy. In the front of the book, there is a list of names. These are the names of the characters and what they primarily do in their lives. Oh, I must mention Queensville Fine Antiques. It is fun reading about all the small businesses around town. 

Mandy de Boer is in a dither. She believes something went wrong with her prescription. This happened either at the doctor's office or at Emporium Pharmacy. Whatever happened Mandy is a character who is very interesting. She is on the attack like a bull dog. I have no idea how this cozy is going to turn out. I do know my curiosity is all eyes and ears.


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