Now Lila Knows by Elizabeth Nunez

 Colorism is a new word. I will add it to my vocabulary list. Although not familiar with the word. I am familiar with the problem. Soon after arriving at Vermont Lila sees a violent act. One that reminds us of the words Black lives matter. We are also introduced to a love story. Maybe there is more than one love story. Lila loved Kenton deeply. Then, it was over. She discovers Robert.He seems like the perfect fit, It is as though they have known one another forever. Elizabeth Nunez has written a book that is filled with love and racial issues. You might call the novel controversial. It is one of those books where you shut the world out and read. It is like the author is personally with you. Holding your hand while bringing along a better understanding. Shockingly, we have mixed and mixed until we are almost made of one blood. If only we would release our fears and allow each person to love whom they have chosen.Otherwise, love remains tragic. It need not stay in that place. In the midst of heartbreak, love can continue to grow as fast as ivy. Pretty soon it will choke hate. Then, we know the decision has been not to allow malice to disturb our love.


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