Heavy is the Head by sumaya enyegue

Heavy is the Head by sumaya enyegue is filled with emotional words. Words that strike at the heart. It allows the mind to release truth and pain. A turn of a phrase must glow in the same light. So the meaning is not lost, your meaning. It is advised the book must be used cautiously. Some can see the light immediately. Others must wait for their time of understanding to arrive. 

The book is multicultural. Some cultures are particularly recognized. The laments of a Black girl are there and very specific and true. Along with a season. Summer is there with all that shocked our memory. This prose and rhythm seems very important to the young girls. Fragile as lace they are not taken lightly but bring us to more understanding of ourselves and those whom we love. These are prompts to read once, twice and again. These are treasured feelings. We come not sure how to handle our feelings that are now spoken.


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