Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Lord by Celeste Connally

 Petra decides not to marry. She will not change her mind. Her inheritance is in  her name, No one can take it from her. I suppose she is a Bluestocking?  She seems to have the perfect personality. She could marry or not and still remain content. Learning about what is going on all around her is interesting to read. It is thought everybody is doing fine, healthy,wealthy and wise, during the Regency period. This is not so.. Some suffer more than others. That is the only difference. 

I am partial to Petra's name. I doubt that name is ever picked in our society at this time. Petra seems to know what talk to share with others. This is very important because conversation is the number one past time. It is an art to know how to glow in a group of conversationalists. Too little talk is not good. Too much is worse. 

Celeste Connally has the magic touch. Because of her I do not want to leave this period in history, Regency, soon. I want to stick around and learn about their accoutrements. I love the carrying of a dance card and gentlemen whispering which dance they would like to share with one of the ladies. By the way, has Jane Austen arrived yet?


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