The Place We Make by Sarah L. Sanderson


 Robert  McLoughlin founded Oregon City. We also meet Jacob Vanderpool. The name Vanderpool is Dutch.It is thought that Jacob Vanderpool was from the West Indies. There is not much of his life story known.  He is biracial. His mother was an African woman.  His father was Dutch.  I can fully recommend "The Place We Make because Sarah L. Sanderson writes hard facts in  a simple way.  She opens our curiosity up. Some times we take our birth places for granted. Never knowing who or why the state and city were founded or who lived there in the past. In other words, how much has the state changed. Sarah L. Sanderson's personal journey guides us along. 

During Jacob Vanderpool's time Racial hate was alive and well. There was an Exclusion Act and a Lash Law. These rules were especially cruel for any one who was not White.  He was told to leave Oregon City. No Blacks allowed. Oregon has definitely come a long way. This telling begins before the Civil War.  The definite question arose whether a state was free or slave. It was an impossibly hard time to live. Oregon has gone through many changes to arrive where they are today as a free state. This is Christian Non-Fiction.  So, we have hope knowing the racial storms will pass and we will see a rainbow. All of us  have dreams.I  hope one day to visit  the  Free state of Oregon. It is such a beautiful state.  Thank you Water  brook for a courtesy copy.


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