Death in the romance aisle by Lynn Cahoon


Rarity owns  a  bookstore in  Sedona, Arizona. She and her employees like planning bookclubs. These clubs add a special charm to the store. When death comes to town, Rarity's  friends and employees are willing to help investigate the murder.

 The bookstore setting is fun. Hearing people tell why they have decided on the book they have chosen is interesting. The answer to why is as complicated as why we want peaches and not bananas.  It is also entertaining wondering why people like Rarity have a an over zealous need to find the solution to such horrible happenings. This is not Rarity's first time. She has fallen into other investigations.  Rarity's main squeeze is "Killer." He happens to love all of Rarity's friends. Killer is a Yorkie.

This cozy includes family members. When family loyalty and love is involved, it is harder to conclude who might have done the awful  act. "Death In The Romance Aisle" bounces our emotions around. There is time for a laugh but there is also time for a tear. Hurrah for "Death In The Romance Aisle by Lynn Cahoon.


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