No Mistaking Death by Shelley Costa

 Oh boy, there is a fight beginning here. It is not a play fight either. Never one wanting to fight or to watch a fight I feel afraid for Marian. She is concerned with the preservation of the Mission House. Others wish to see it destroyed. I guess there are no longer many peaceful protests. Already, a dead body has been found in the Mission House. More and more there is the hope that more men and women will have the attitudes of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King. Being involved with the Mission House means sharing thoughts with the National Park Service. Some say the Mission House was never built there. So, it is on the way to becoming a place for the electric company and not a historical landmark. Differing opinions are jarring to the nerves. How will it all end? It is not the most exciting literary writing. I had to pull myself through each page. This does not mean the words in the book are not important. It brings to mind what we want to leave to our children and what we do not want to save for their legacy.


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