I Know What You Did by Cayce Osborn

It is very painful to read about Petal Woznewski's  traumatic situation. She found the bodies of her parents on the bed. If you've ever been to a  wax museum, you have a good idea what her mother and father looked like. If  she is not allowed to talk about what she saw, it can only hurt her. Think about children and teens who are orphaned because someone chose to brutally assault their parents. We always think our parents are immortal. What an ugly way to find out life's truths. Imagine what it is like when a book is published about what is happening in your life. All your secrets uncovered. It is not possible to hide anywhere. The book, "No One Suspected," by Me Littleton  is in a store window and every other place you can name. Plus, the book is dedicated to Petal. She had not heard anything about this book coming out. Now she hears the book might become a movie. Petal  hides her fears. She spends time looking for the author of "No One Suspected." He or she has used a pen name.

It seems like Petal is really trying to get questions answered. Spending time looking for the author seems like a white lie.She seems afraid to dig too deeply. At this point,  everything surrounding Petal seems phony. Who is Petal really ? We are wasting time.  unspoken fears are slowing down the  search and find  process.When will the truth come out? And what truth are we looking for? Is the death of her parents related to what happened to her circle of friends?   At this point, she is her worse enemy.  I wish she had a friend to help her along. I think her purpose is unclear. Maybe this stall tactic will make the answers more shocking.This is a complimentary copy from Crooked Lane Books


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