The Book Seller by Peter briscoe


Peter Briscoe writes about books and libraries in a different way. It is like a favorite Agatha Christie Mystery. In"The Bookseller" our most loved location besides the church has skipped over and above us  and into the world of computers. The goal is to digitize every book and document in the library. It hurts to say it. Indigestion occurs thinking about it. Our friendly library has chosen to progress without those thick, heavy tomes. No  book is too rarefied. Whether it is America or Latin Anerica the way to more knowledge is to look in a haystack and find the sewing needle.Therefore, looking for books on dusty bookshelves is not where the one in the know are searching. Their search is in the computer terminals. 

"The Bookseller" is fascinating. Learning what is in and what is out may lead to tears or a slight smile.Thank goodness Peter Briscoe wants readers to progress. If we are fearful, reach for his hand of words. Whatever is done and whenever it is done, we are a part of the new generation. Let's just not become thievish about it.


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